Useful Links

The Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) is the organization to which the Government of Québec has entrusted the administration of the occupational health and safety plan.
Industrie Canada
Access to programs, initiatives and online services provided by the Department.
Revenu Québec
Revenu Québec collects income taxes and consumption taxes to ensure the financing of public services and to administer various social programs.
Agence du revenu du Canada
The Canada Revenue Agency's Web site provides electronic access to the majority of the Agency's public information holdings, including forms, publications, guides, and others services and applications that help promote compliance with Canada's tax.
Régie des rentes du québec
The mission of the Régie des rentes du Québec is to contribute to the financial security of Quebeckers at every stage in their lives and to inform the population of the importance of financial planning for retirement.
Commission des normes du travail du Québec
Through its action, the Commission promotes fair and balanced labour relations between employers and employees in compliance with the Act respecting labour standards.
Régie du bâtiment du Québec
Its mandate is to ensure the quality of construction work as well as the safety of people in the fields of building, electricity, plumbing, gas, petroleum equipment installations... The RBQ sees to the enforcement of the Building Act and regulations thereto within the various technical fields encompassed by its jurisdiction.
Ministère des Finances du Québec
Under the Act respecting the ministère des Finances, the Minister’s mission is to foster economic development and advise the government on financial matters.
Commission de la construction du Québec - CCQ
The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ), is responsible for applying the Act on Labour Relations, Vocational Training, and Workforce Management in the Construction Industry (Act R-20), which provides a legal framework for the industry.
Registraire des entreprise du Québec
The enterprise register is a system of legal publicity for all businesses operating in Québec, regardless of their legal form. It is also a bank of public information made available to the general population.
Info Entrepreneurs
Info entrepreneurs offers a combination of products, services, publications and expert referrals to help Quebec businesses get current and comprehensive business information.